Using cutting edge technology, and a holistic brain-body approach, the de Belle Centre provides training for those with neurodevelopmental disorders, with learning or behavioral difficulties, experiencing cognitive decline, or with a desire to optimise performance in any domain.
Discover the de Belle Centre
Our brain training centre incorporates completely safe, non-invasive, non-medicinal and symptom-free brain training techniques such as neurofeedback, vision, and cognitive training to help improve overall cognitive functioning.
Neurofeedback is an advanced brain training neuro-technology that optimises performance of the central nervous system. It can help clients improve cognitive and physical performance including those with neurodevelopmental, learning or behavioral disorders (e.g., ADHD, autism, dyslexia), those suffering from anxiety, depression or PTSD, cognitive or physical decline (e.g., essential tremor, alzheimers, post-cancer/chemo cognitive impairment, concussion, tinnitus, sleep disorders), and athletes to achieve peak performance.
Vision training has been used by professional athletes for decades to improve attention and focus. The de Belle Centre uses this same cutting-edge technology including 3D Multiple Object Tracking, Strobe and Vision Tablets, to offer the same training to athletes (to improve in their sport and to lower injury risk by increasing awareness on the rink, field or court and thereby preventing collisions). We also use vision training to help children with attention and focus difficulties, autism, other learning or developmental disorders involving auditory and visual processing, and those experiencing cognitive decline for a variety of reasons, as research has shown that vision training enhances attention and significantly improves cognitive functioning, and reduces symptoms.

Consultation with
Dr. Siobhan de Belle


Cognitive & Vision Training
We incorporate findings from our brain and vision training and from previous or new assessments, and design training programs to improve the physical aspects of the body (e.g., improving visual reaction time or depth perception by using throwing-catching drills, motor control exercises, etc.) in our fully-equipped, state-of-the-art gym. We also offer personal, semi-private, group, sports or team training and monthly or annual program creation.
In the event of injury, we offer athletic therapy services for the prevention, identification, intervention, management and treatment of emergency, acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions and injuries to the physically active sustained either at work or through involvement in recreational or sporting activities. Concussion baseline testing, management for concussions and treatment, whether acute or chronic, is also available. All of our programs are custom-designed to complement other therapies/training to meet our clients’ specific needs.

Consultation with
Dr. Siobhan de Belle

Consultation with Mario Starnino for Athletic Therapy

Athletic Therapy

Personal Training
Our applied techniques are informed by science, and our clients voluntarily and actively participate in research programs. We work closely with the scientific community and keep current with the literature such that we are able to design evolving training plans, with the most current techniques and equipment to better serve our clients.
If you are a researcher or practitioner interested in offering your service to our clients, and you are open to collaborating with members of the de Belle Centre to develop the best training plans for our clients and open doors to new research, then please:
About us
The de Belle Centre, founded by Dr. Siobhan de Belle, provides innovative solutions to those struggling with traditional means of treatment for a variety of conditions and disorders. We deliver a new way to improve cognition, attention, and focus.
Why we are different
Our training programs are different from what most clinics or centres offer and many of our clients come to us after exhausting all traditional means of treatment. We offer our clients a new perspective on their health or well-being, and give them a clear direction and a specialized training program.
Our techniques are non-invasive, offering an alternative approach to medication, and are safe, side-effects and symptom free. We ensure that all the latest technologies and methods are incorporated into our programs, developing unique and personalised plans that often differ from what clients have already tried. We are constantly adding new specialists, training plans, equipment, technologies, and we continue to innovate with developments in science and research.
How we work
All new clients initially meet with Dr. de Belle for a consultation session. During this session, the client’s goals are discussed, baselines may be established, and a training program is created. Clients are then given detailed instructions on cost and on how to proceed. Insurance receipts may be provided. In addition, with informed consent, all new clients are screened for inclusion in ongoing research studies which may be compensated.
Once initial training sessions are complete, Dr. de Belle meets with members of the de Belle Centre and affiliated colleagues, and presents results and recommendations to the client. When applicable, client data are also used for research purposes to inform future training programs.
The team

Dr. Siobhan de Belle
Dr. Siobhan de Belle is a cognitive neuroscientist with an undergraduate degree in Physics and Linguistics from Concordia University, a PhD in Psychology from McGill University, and a 3-year joint Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Harvard Medical School in Neurology and at MIT in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy. She is also licensed with the C.P.M.D.Q. as a Naturopathic Doctor, has a diploma in Sports Psychology, is a trained Neurofeedback provider, and has published her research in top scholarly academic journals (e.g. Nature, Science, Cognition). Dr. de Belle’s research has been funded by FCAR (Formation de Chercheurs et l’Aide à la Recherche), NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) and CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research), and she has taught at Harvard University, The University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM), and Vanier & Dawson Cegeps in Montreal. Given her multidisciplinary background, Dr. de Belle works with the de Belle Centre members and her academic and clinical colleagues, to pull together all areas of expertise and present comprehensive “out-of-the-box” solutions to her clients.

Mario Starnino
Mario Starnino is an Athletic Therapist and Strength and Conditioning Coach. He graduated from Concordia University in 2013 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science: Specialization Athletic Therapy. He has continued his education with manual therapy techniques such as P-DTR®, NKT®, AiM, FRS® while also taking concussion, functional neurology, and vestibular courses. He also utilizes different treatment modalities such as MPS (Micro Point Stimulation therapy), and LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy/Cold Laser) to help decrease inflammation. Mario is dedicated to helping people by guiding them into correcting their movement patterns and combining different therapy techniques and exercises to find the source of the pain. He also works as a personal trainer to drive athletes toward peak performance, and helps anyone interested in getting physically stronger for daily life and physical activity whether recreational or competitive. Mario combines his physical training methodologies with the brain and vision training methods of the de Belle Centre to help with sports performance, and to improve the physical aspects of behavioural and cognitive functioning in children and the elderly. Mario helps our clients understand the cause of their pain, social, physical or cognitive, and takes a global approach to resolving it, as he believes this leads to a better overall recovery than through symptom management alone.

Patrick Charron
Patrick Charron is a martial artist and performance coach specializing in self-defense, functional fitness and breath training, with a focus on stress and anxiety management. In 2014, he was invited to lead a workshop at the United Nations-mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica, as part of a Conflict Zone Field Training Course. It was this opportunity that inspired him to look beyond the physical aspects of self-defense and crisis management, developing a curriculum that recognized the importance of stress and anxiety management in crisis and how to use a combination of movement and breath training to trigger a peak performance state and improve focus and mental fitness. Patrick has since used this unique formula in several areas of performance coaching, including sports performance, professional development and education. He’s also built programs that help with stress, anxiety, chronic pain issues and rehabilitation from injury or disease. Patrick helps our clients establish the connection of body and mind through movement and breath training, providing them with the tools they need to take control of their lives and achieve their goals.
The de Belle Centre works closely with researchers, scientists and medical specialists in Pointe-Claire and the greater Montreal area. The reciprocal relationship we enjoy with these specialists help us to design comprehensive training programs for our clients.
Please contact us for more information about these services.
Book online
Booking online is a simple process thanks to our affiliation with the Brunswick Medical Centre:

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Contact US
We are located at:
de Belle Centre for Training & Research
2001 Sources Blvd
Pointe-Claire, QC,
H9R 5Z4
(entrance off Av Gerald-Harvey in the “Bulletproof” building)
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